
About Me

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Temora, NSW, Australia
Hello! I'm a writer who loves writing for children. My first picture book, 'The Big Beet', illustrated by Adam Carruthers, was published by Omnibus Books, Scholastic Australia, in 2013. 'Sally Snickers' Knickers' came out in 2014 and was published by Walker Books and illustrated by Anthea Stead .'No Room for a Wombat' illustrated by Lorell Lehman, hit the shelves in 2017 (publisher Scholastic Australia's Omnibus imprint) and 'Grumpy Bear, Grouchy Bear' (illustrated by Monty Lee) and published by Yellow Brick Books came out September 2018. I've also had work published in the NSW School Magazine, Little Ears magazine, Fandangle ine, Storybox Online and Book for Fiji.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Sister has a 'Blog'

Hi, this blog must be playing on my mind... this new poem is about a blog.

My sister says she has a ‘blog’
(I notice she’s been scratching)
I don’t know what a ‘blog’ is
But I hope it isn’t catching.

Though, I really think it might be,
Because Mum now has one too
I hope they keep it to themselves
I really do not want the flu

Of course I blame the internet
I’ve warned them of the dangers
They’re always on their laptops
-who knows what you’ll catch from strangers?

But I didn’t know computers
Were susceptible to wogs
Now mine has got a virus
I bet it’s caught one of those ‘blogs’.

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