
About Me

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Temora, NSW, Australia
Hello! I'm a writer who loves writing for children. My first picture book, 'The Big Beet', illustrated by Adam Carruthers, was published by Omnibus Books, Scholastic Australia, in 2013. 'Sally Snickers' Knickers' came out in 2014 and was published by Walker Books and illustrated by Anthea Stead .'No Room for a Wombat' illustrated by Lorell Lehman, hit the shelves in 2017 (publisher Scholastic Australia's Omnibus imprint) and 'Grumpy Bear, Grouchy Bear' (illustrated by Monty Lee) and published by Yellow Brick Books came out September 2018. I've also had work published in the NSW School Magazine, Little Ears magazine, Fandangle ine, Storybox Online and Book for Fiji.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I Have a Pet...

I have a pet constrictor
He’s making me quite worried
I think he wants to eat me
Deep-fried, or maybe curried.

I have a pet tarantula
His legs are long and hairy
I can’t take him for show and tell -
my teacher’s much too scary.

I have a pet orang-utan
He’s making me quite cross
His breath smells like a monkey
And he won’t use dental floss.

I have a pet rhinoceros
His horn is made of hair
He doesn’t let me plait it
I think it’s quite unfair.

I have a pet triceratops
He thinks he’s still alive.
(I suppose that I could tell him,
But I don’t think I’d survive)

I have a pet hibiscus
But I think she has a fault.
She never goes for walkies
And she doesn't seem to moult.


  1. Thank you for introducing me to your blog. I think it's a lovely looking site.
    I was feeling a bit down. I have a bad cold which I can't seem to shake(is there such a thing as a good cold?)
    Hearing from you has lifted my spirits.

    I liked your PET Poem

  2. Glad to hear these lifted your spirits. I might put up my poem "I'm thick, I'm thick!" just for you Lexie.
