
About Me

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Temora, NSW, Australia
Hello! I'm a writer who loves writing for children. My first picture book, 'The Big Beet', illustrated by Adam Carruthers, was published by Omnibus Books, Scholastic Australia, in 2013. 'Sally Snickers' Knickers' came out in 2014 and was published by Walker Books and illustrated by Anthea Stead .'No Room for a Wombat' illustrated by Lorell Lehman, hit the shelves in 2017 (publisher Scholastic Australia's Omnibus imprint) and 'Grumpy Bear, Grouchy Bear' (illustrated by Monty Lee) and published by Yellow Brick Books came out September 2018. I've also had work published in the NSW School Magazine, Little Ears magazine, Fandangle ine, Storybox Online and Book for Fiji.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"I'm thick, I'm thick!"

I have the flu
I do, I do!
My nose is thtuffed
Like glue, like glue.

My eyes are running
My throat is thore
My tongue feels like
A thawmill floor

My head is pounding
Like a drum
Atum, atum,

I need the bathroom
I need it quick
Out of the way,
I’m thick, I’m thick!

Bleech, bleuch,
Ooops! Watch your feet,
Mmm..that feels better.
What’s to eat?

1 comment:

  1. That's very funny Lynn,and true.
    I saw your question in Monday's Mag. I have wondered about the very same thing. I hope you get some answers because I would really like to know too.
    Also I have wondered but haven't actually asked anyone about how long should you leave it before you resend a story that has been accepted and published before it is ethical to send it another publisher to try to get it published again. I know you must always tell a publisher if a story has been published before, but that's it.
    Have you any knowledge about this?
    Thanks for the poem
