
About Me

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Temora, NSW, Australia
Hello! I'm a writer who loves writing for children. My first picture book, 'The Big Beet', illustrated by Adam Carruthers, was published by Omnibus Books, Scholastic Australia, in 2013. 'Sally Snickers' Knickers' came out in 2014 and was published by Walker Books and illustrated by Anthea Stead .'No Room for a Wombat' illustrated by Lorell Lehman, hit the shelves in 2017 (publisher Scholastic Australia's Omnibus imprint) and 'Grumpy Bear, Grouchy Bear' (illustrated by Monty Lee) and published by Yellow Brick Books came out September 2018. I've also had work published in the NSW School Magazine, Little Ears magazine, Fandangle ine, Storybox Online and Book for Fiji.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

Hi, best wishes to all for the new year. May 2010 be productive, profitable and pleasurable.
I sent off a number of submissions in November 09, and have already had a couple of rejections. Receiving a rejection for one's work  doesn't seem to get any easier, even though I have been in this field for a number of years now. I go through down periods after a few rejections and assume that all my work is unworthy, but I have to remind myself that I have had some great feedback on some of my writing, including one picture book manuscript which made it as far as an aquisitions meeting at a very well-known and highly respected publishing house. The feedback from competition wins is also a great boost. I am still trying to learn that because a manuscript doesn't appeal to one publisher it doesn't mean it won't fit perfectly with another.
For all those who may be just starting out, or have dreams of writing, (be it for children, YA or adults) keep learning, keep up-to-date with what is going on in the industry, keep track of what is being published and KEEP WRITING :)
Best wishes

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